Ages 11 - 13

The Middle School program is designed to increase cohort learning experiences across skill and grade levels. Cohort learning is proven to:

Benefits of cohort learning included skill development in the following areas:

Collaboration: With facilitation on social interaction and collaboration with peers, cohort learning enhances learning experiences and overall sense of community

Continuation of Learning: As students advance through learning experiences, cohort learning allows for teachers to individually structure the learning needs to each individual. Group abilities provide continued support as skill progression advances.

Support: Cohort learning connects learners with the support of their peers and teachers. Active engagement and encouragement extend learning opportunities.

Perspective: Cohort learning expands learners’ perspectives. As engagement with others increases, students are exposed to new choices, opinions, experiences and ideas.

Middle School Program of Studies SY 2023/2024

Middle School Courses

Students will have both compulsory and elective courses in middle school. Compulsory classes include humanities, math, and science.

Middle school students will solidify their research, writing, and presentation skills through interdisciplinary projects. They will explore subjects through their choice of elective courses in order to develop an understanding of their strengths and interests as they plan for their high school coursework.

The MS program places a strong emphasis on community building and belonging as students navigate their pre-teen and early teenage years.

Click here to view the Student-Parent Handbook.